Kidney acts as the filtration system of the body and thus serves one of essential functions in the well-being. This is the reason behind the high-end requirements of keeping the kidney health in the supreme most state. The issues with the kidneys can translate into more health troubles over time and therefore it is advisable to keep a check on the state of the kidney health.

Dialysis is one term that is readily associated with the kidneys and quite rightly so as it has helped a lot of people who have had prolonged kidney issues to come out of the physical trauma and lead a more comfortable life. But as everybody knows that dialysis is an intricate and troublesome procedure, and moreover most of the people are not that comfortable with the invasive procedures.

Thus, you look out for means that could be used to avoid the troubles of dialysis and yet deliver good results when it comes to healing the kidney troubles. It has been found out that while the kidney troubles might require dialysis procedures, but they can also be sorted by changing the lifestyle and especially the diet.

Symptoms of kidney diseases

Healthy kidneys are responsible for the secretion of various hormones and enzymes; one of them being Erythropoietin. When the kidney begins to fail, this hormone is not secreted in the proper proportions, and thus the patients begin to show signs of elevated fatigue as the muscles are not able to get enough oxygen.

Kidney diseases can lead to increased chances of getting anemia. This could result in the patient’s body becoming unable to maintain and manage the body temperatures. This would mean that the patient would feel cold, even when into a relatively warmer environment.

As the body becomes anemic, a number of red blood cells carrying oxygen reduce. This would mean decreased lung capacity.

As kidneys are responsible for the efflux of the waste products from the body, it is only logical to say that in the absence of properly functioning healthy kidneys, the patient would end up accumulating harmful impurities into the system. This can result in itching and aggressive pore formation.

The functions of kidney also include the removal of excess fluid from the body. Thus, when the kidneys start to function improperly, there is extra fluid into the body. This fluid leads to swelling of the body parts like legs, ankles and even face.

As the blood is not oxygenated properly, several impurities like uremia become prominent. Uremia leads to the taste buds not working properly and thus the food begins to taste like metal. The patients avoid taking food and start showing a rapid loss in weight.

Stages of kidney diseases

The various stages of kidney disease are as follows.

Stage 1

This being the primary stage of the disease can be handled with relative ease. The patients can be given proper diet, and if the other medical conditions like hypertension and diabetes are controlled, then the condition can be reversed with ease.

Stage 2

This stage is not very different from the earlier stage regarding vitals, but the course of action taken towards improving the health is different. In addition to the managing of the blood pressure and other vitals, the doctors also keep on checking the patients for the most suited medicinal course for recovery.

Stage 3

This stage is crucial, as this is usually the stage in which kidney diseases are generally diagnosed. It is characterized by the appearance of anemia and bone issues. This would mean that the patients, as well as the doctors, are alarmed, and they start the medical procedures.

Stage 4

This is the penultimate stage of kidney disease, and thus the doctor starts working closely with the patients in deciding the medical course suitable for recovery. Dialysis may be or may not be compulsory at this stage; it depends on the individual health as well as the doctors’ perspective of it.

Stage 5

This is the advanced stage and mandates the surgical procedures like dialysis and transplant. Doctors generally do not wish to take any chances in this stage and thus always suggest regular dialysis make up for the kidney failure, till the transplant is done.


There are two major distinctions in the treatment of kidney diseases, organic and medicinal. While the surgical means are obviously required to be takeninto consideration according to the condition of the patient, but the organic methods too have shown great benefit for the patients. Let us look at both of the methods.


This method includes the use of natural herbs and the changes in lifestyle in order to block the expansion of the disease and in several cases, even the retraction. This includes the use of blueberries, cranberries, kidney beans, etc.

These food items can help in allowing the kidney damage to get repaired organically. This method can be adopted as the sole treatment if the patient is in the initial stages of the disease. In the later stages, this being combined with medicinal means is a must.


This includes the use of specifically derived medicinal formulae that could be used to target the kidney and help in the speedy recovery of the same. This also includes the invasive methods like dialysis and transplants. While most of the modern day doctors use the medicinal strategy singularly, this is not always suggestible.

The All Natural Kidney Health and Kidney Restoration Program have been successfully helping the patients to get their kidney woes sorted by providing them with organic means of repairing the damaged kidneys.

This program has resulted in several patients to show regression from their previous stages of kidney diseases. Several patients, who have been left with zero hopes for recovery without dialysis or transplants have also shown commendable improvement in their condition.

The doctors who have seen these improvements in their patients are very keen in advising the future patients to take up the program. This helps in complementing the efforts of the doctors as the patient’s body starts to heal itself and respond to the medicines being given during the course.

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